Dear Employees, All clients and End users of Huankang Medical,
Thank you for your hard work and support in 2019, which is a year full of challenge, opportunity and improvements. In 2019, we successfully extended our CE certificate to 2024. We attended MEDICA 2019 in Germany and CHEXPO 2019 in Indonesia. 2019 is a remarkable year for all of us. So is the 2020.
As you may know, 2019-nCoV spread through China since January, 2020. This is a huge challenge not only for this nation, but also for each single unit in China. As a company, we have the responsibility to provide our efforts to support our nation to go through this tough situation. Though under such a difficult situation, we decided to apply for returning to normal operation immediately after Feb. 10th. Finally, we got the approval for opening of business on Feb.12th.
In order to make sure that every employee in our company will be safe and sound, the company directive board made several internal rules and emergency plan to control and prevent the happen of infection. Before approving an employee go back to work, we will ask this employee to provide any health proof issued by authority competence. Here are detailed steps we are taking:
Step 1: Test the body temperature, temperatures will be tested and recorded three times a day.
Step 2: Record the result and ask about the detailed health information about the employee and their family members or anyone else living together with them;
Step 3: Hand disinfection;
Step 4: Replace the surgical masks before entering the company.
By doing so, we are running smoothly and safely since Feb.12th.
Currently, our manufacturing capacity has recovered to the normal level. If you have any orders or quotation needs support, we are glad to provide you all the support as much as we can. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiry or purchase plan: Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
Huankang Medical Team